Effective Sales Management – The Formula

Effective Sales Management – The Formula

It’s a fact – salespeople can be hard to manage. If you know me, you know I like to say that they are a unique combination of independent and needy. This drives some management types crazy.Being a highly effective sales manager is a tough job. How do you know if you or your sales manager are effective? Great sales managers thrive on getting results via other people – their sales team members. They know how to motivate their team and get out of their way.For those who haven’t cracked that code yet, in this blog I’ll outline how to get the most out of your sales team with a proven management process and cadence. I’ll also review why being or having a highly effective sales manager is critical to achieving…
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How To Unstick Deals in the Proposal Stage

How To Unstick Deals in the Proposal Stage

The dreaded proposal black hole! You have a good conversation with somebody interested in what you do and perhaps you have shared a presentation or a demo with them to take a deeper dive. They seem interested and you are excited about moving them to the next step – your proposal. You and your team invest time to create a proposal that restates their problem and how you can fix it. Anxious to get it in their hands, you send the proposal via email and then you…. wait. And wait. And wait. We’ve all experienced the dreaded proposal black hole. Sometimes, there’s no way around it. But usually, there are valid reasons why deals get stuck at the proposal stage.   Why Deals Get Stuck For starters, communicating such important…
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Pipeline Stalled? Here’s How to Jumpstart New Leads

Pipeline Stalled? Here’s How to Jumpstart New Leads

Maintaining sales pipelines requires a significant amount of time and effort to establish channels of communication, generate relationships, and build trust. This is why it can be a very stressful experience when one of your channels slows or seemingly stops altogether. You may find yourself thinking, “what did I do wrong?” or “why aren’t these strategies working?” While there may be some factors at play that are out of your control, with a little digging, you can discover areas of your sales strategy that could use some improvement. Rest assured, once you determine what’s causing the hold-up and make the necessary changes, you can get your sales pipeline back up and running and jumpstart new leads. Determine the Cause Sales pipelines can slow for many different reasons, so your first…
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